Or want to. Or hungry. Or excited. Or irritable.
Hungry, now.
Probably because it's almost 3 pm and I haven't eaten anything yet.
Some people are okay with that. Just curb your hunger with cigarettes.
Doesn't that give you a headache? Eating smoke for breakfast? For lunch? For dinner?
I blame my lack of good physical endurance on having missed a million meals throughout my childhood, into the mid-teens till about when I was 16 or 17. I started eating somewhat 'properly' then. But what is that, really?
And these people, who skip meals like cats skip humans(umm?), untill they fall sick or feel sick and then they crave a good home-cooked (or close) meal.
So, in conclusion, I am perpetually sick?
But but, hey, I am not implying that I crave a good meal. Oh no, I don't even remember the last time that happened. Yes, since I started facing 'consequences' of not having eaten properly, my views on food, nutrition etc. got all mixed up. And I can't pin-point to anything right now because I drank too strong a coffee for my own good and I'm all jittery. Eeeeeeeeeh.
SO. Point is. I don't know. Yes. Coffee makes you poop. Shut up, it's true. I don't get what the whole 'ooooh! let's meet for a coffee' or 'oh, we'll talk over coffee' or 'coffee and cigarettes, maaaan. Heaven.' thing is about. Seriously. Coffee makes you poop or at least want to. WHY would you want to do that or have that grumbly sensation in your nether regions seven times in a day? I mean, what are you made of? Bear muscle and steel? Cause, I drink ONE strong coffee and I feel my insides melting. (Too graphic? Deal with it. CAUSE IT'S TRUE).
And it also curbs your hunger. Thank you for being another one of those things that confuses our brain, coffee. Thank you. It's such a delight having your brain send mixed signals. Oh, such a ball!
So, no, how do I eat anything when I feel like someone's pumping air into that big stomach at the center of my abdomen (to you illiterate idiots, no, that's not where the stomach is. It's tiny. And it's on the left. Pretty high. Yes, that place that 'feels' things when you drink too cold a glass of water or those awful days when eat something too gassy. Eeeks)
Coffee makes you nauseous.
Nausea. Such a beautiful word.
On that note, I should go eat something.
A single healthy meal fixes aaaaaalll of those eeky things.
So eat. Healthy. And on time.
No that's not the moral of the story.
That's me re-affirming that I'm a better, more sensible, smarter person now. Hahahahaha.
Or you know, you could imagine the tiny place inside that thing your left upper-abdomen sizzling and gushing green, wonderful liquid. (BILE)